
A Photo a Day-0125

Happy Year~~

今天發生了哪些事? 小小流水帳
1. 小平吉踩到一坨狗屎,大發財!
2. 麻將小贏33點,參壹仔(拾塊,哈哈)
3. 古啦咪在棉被裡睡了一整天(竟然睡到我們回家還沒在門口迎接)
4. 終於看了飛越杜鵑窩(One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest(1975)),在IMDB上排名前10但一直不知道是什麼的舊片
What does the title mean?
It is a line from the book. When Chief Bromden receives electroshock therapy, he says a line from a nursery rhyme as part of his pained babble:
"...one flew east, one flew west, one flew over the cuckoo's nest."
This scene is not in the movie.

lobotomy 【醫】n.腦白質切斷術,葉切斷術
